Saturday 21 April 2012

Struggling With The New Blogger Interface

When I came to write a new posting today I found that the blog interface had changed and it has proven to be an utter nightmare.  Every five words or so the system backs up what I have written, freezing the screen and leaving my laptop to labour with its fan going at full blast.  The interface cannot keep up with the speed I type at.  Every saving wastes about twenty seconds let alone losing the words that I have typed in after it decided to save.  Even this short posting has taken many minutes to produce and it means a longer piece is going to need much more time than use to be the case with the former interface.  Given the frustration of having to write and stop, write and stop, not knowing at which moment I am going to be interrupted by the system, I do not know if I have the patience to continue with this blog.  It is very, very irritating now and so causes tension whereas in the past it has been an outlet for tension.  Why do companies always feel they have to 'improve' a system when in fact they end up providing you with something so much worse than what was available before?  They have probably now wrecked the good reputation they once had for blogging facilities.  I, for one, am now looking for some other host with a much less stupid interface!


DH said...

You are not the only one who thinks this is a disaster. If it ain't broke why fix it?

Rooksmoor said...

This seems to be something that everyone involved with software feels compelled to do with the result that 'new' is generally 'worse', even setting aside the time it takes for established users to learn a new approach. I am now experimenting with writing my postings offline and then cutting and pasting them into the interface to see if that works better. Certainly my old habit of writing straight into a posting has had to stop with this new interface.

Rooksmoor said...

A new problem I have encountered is that Blogger no longer supports the browser which is used by my workplace despite it being a very large company based in London. I cannot download Google Chrome to my work machine and cannot interact with Blogger even during my lunch break. It is getting harder and harder to sustain this blog at every turn.

Rooksmoor said...

This is going from bad to worse, minute-by-minute. I now cannot post a new posting as most of the buttons disappear from the screen and I have now tried four times to view older postings through the Dashboard and each time the system has locked up and then crashed.

Blogger, please, please, please go back to the old interface as at the moment I cannot add, alter or remove anything from my blog. Be aware that many places restrict what you can download. I cannot believe that you now do not accept a browser in use by companies that employ thousands of staff.

Fusion m0dz said...


I woke up, SS&S, Made my coffee, sat down to start my daily 8+ hours of blogging so I can pay my bills etc...

What I saw was absolute horror.

I can not see all of my widgets (most of which are hidden by the "body" and or are completely overlapping each other making it absolutely impossible to arrange anything), text is disappearing, my ad space is completely gone from the template, unless it's somewhere I cant see...

I tried top clear all widgets and start FRESH... NOPE that didn't work either. all it did was pile them on top of each other and hide them behind OTHER widgets.

I cant stand this. My day is absolutely ruined. I can not use this interface at all. It's so terrible I am seriously considering closing blogs that I have had up for 5 years to move them somewhere else.

The feedback "form" is absolute bulls**t... you have to highlight and blackout items that your having broblems with, but it only lets you highlight and blackout things that THEY think in necessary.. you cant highlight things that YOU want to highlight...

I hate it!
I absolutely HATE this garbage.
What a waste of a day!

Rooksmoor said...

Regular readers may have noted a drop-off in postings. The interface has been changed back to the one they tried to introduce in April. However, this time it is even harder to work with. Every time I try to open one of my posts to edit or to add a new posting the system locks up and then crashes. It is very frustrating and I really do not have an idea how to overcome this problem.